Hawk, Heron and Kayaking Fun

Hello and welcome to Weekend Coffee Share #30! I’m glad you’re here. Please come on in, help yourself to a cup of coffee, or tea, hot chocolate, or a cold drink at my coffee station and let’s chat.

It was a fantastic week with a mix of sunny days and some showers. I enjoyed cycling, walking, playing disc golf, strength training, meditation, yoga, learning French and Spanish, watching Olympic highlights, photography, reading and writing. I went canoeing and kayaking. I had a few nice surprises.

1. A Red-Tailed Hawk

One morning as I cycled to Ontario Place to go kayaking, I spotted a hawk on a fence post. I turned my bike around to get a good look. I’ve seen hawks in Toronto before but this was the first time I was about 2m (6 ft) from a calm red-tailed hawk. What a thrill to observe this beauty up close!

Red-tailed hawk.
A magnificent red-tailed hawk.

2. Dr. Duke Redbird

I continued cycling to the South Marina. Dr. Duke Redbird was at the Big House Canoe (Wigwam Chi-Chemung) that I wrote about here. I said hello and we chatted. As a few ducks swam towards us, he mentioned that they like oatmeal. It was an unexpected and nice encounter with Dr. Redbird at his houseboat.

Dr. Redbird at his Wigwam Chi-Chemung (Big House Canoe).
Dr. Redbird on his houseboat.

3. A Great Blue Heron

I picked up my kayak rental and paddled for about two hours. I saw many colourful fish amid green aquatic plants. Blue and red dragonflies flitted around me and some of them landed on my kayak.

Blue kayak.

At the Fish Habitat, I saw a Great Blue Heron! This stately heron with its subtle blue-gray plumage stood motionless as it scanned for prey. I paddled quietly to get closer and we watched each other in silence.

A Great Blue Heron – What a majestic sight!

I paddled away and when I circled back, the Great Blue Heron was still there. It moved from the tree log to the river bank, to the rock, and flew to a small island in the Habitat before I left.

Great blue heron.
“I’m over here”
Great blue heron.
Wait, I see something!

4. Other Aquatic Life

I saw cormorants, a variety of ducks, and a muted swan. The cormorants are swift divers. The ducks and the swan were less shy and let me take their photos. Some of the ducks swam merrily alongside my kayak. I love it when they do that.

The water was so calm and clear, I could see the bottom of the lagoon. I also got a close-up view of green floating mats and white water crowfoot flowers.

Aquatic plants and flowers.
Aquatic plants and flowers.

5. Over Floe by John Notten

My kayaking fun continued as I paddled to Over Floe, a floating art creation by John Notten. He also designed the Plant It Forward urban garden sculpture that I shared in my previous post. I was glad to see this interesting art exhibit first on the water.

Truck, School
Bank, House and Factory

Then from land after I finished kayaking. Here are two views of Over Floe and what Notten says about each view. Click on each image to enlarge it.

It was a wonderful outing. I had a blast!

Linked to #LifeThisWeek, #PPAC7, #TreeSquare30, #WWE90.

How was your week? I’d love to hear your comments.

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134 thoughts on “Hawk, Heron and Kayaking Fun

  1. leannelc July 30, 2021 / 8:07 am

    It looks like a lovely spot Natalie – and having that encounter with the heron made it even more special. I remember going canoeing on our river and paddling along in the wake of a black swan – it felt quite ethereal.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 6:40 pm

      Hi Leanne, Paddling along in the wake of a black swan sounds wonderful. It was great for me to see the hawk and heron up close and they stayed so calm. Normally they fly away.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Denyse Whelan Blogs July 30, 2021 / 8:26 am

    How absolutely wonderful to catch beautiful creatures of nature as closely as you did and then to chat to Dr Redbird. A beautiful scenic day out leaving memories for a very long time. Summer suits your city right now. Denyse

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 6:42 pm

      Hi Denyse, It’s been a wonderful summer for me to see wildlife and nature up close. Meeting Dr. Redbird was a highlight, too. Have a great weekend!


      • Denyse Whelan Blogs August 4, 2021 / 2:33 am

        Thank you for linking up this week for #LifeThisWeek. Glad you could join in. Hope to see you next Monday. Cheers, Denyse.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Maria July 30, 2021 / 8:39 am

    How fun!! The red tailed hawk is just amazing. We used too have three red tailed hawks visiting our place in CA on a regular basis. They are magnificent indeed! Kayaking is so much fun, and all the gorgeous plants and animals one see, all while quietly enjoying the day. Wonderful!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 6:47 pm

      How wonderful to have regular visits from three hawks! It was great that the red-tailed hawk and the great blue heron stayed so calm when I saw them. Usually they fly away before I can get a good photo. Have a great weekend!


    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 6:48 pm

      Thank you, Dan, for your comment. I greatly appreciate it.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Jill Weatherholt July 30, 2021 / 8:46 am

    What a fun outing! Your photographs are wonderful, Natalie. The red-tailed hawk is magnificent! We have a few Great Blue Herons that live around the lake behind our home. Watching them in flight is a thing of beauty. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 6:54 pm

      Jill, How wonderful to have a few Great Blue Herons around the lake behind your home! They’re beautiful birds. I was lucky to see a calm red-tailed hawk so close. Usually they’re high up or fly away before I can get a good photo. Have a great weekend!


  5. Toonsarah July 30, 2021 / 9:03 am

    That hawk is amazing and you have some wonderful shots of the heron too!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 6:56 pm

      Thank you, Sarah, for your comment. I was pleasantly surprised that the red-tailed hawk stayed calm the whole time for me to take photos. Same with the heron. Have a great weekend!


  6. Gary A Wilson July 30, 2021 / 10:38 am

    Great photo of that hawk Natalie. We have lots of white and blue heron’s around almost any standing water here in Sonoma County and I love seeing them on almost any drive that passes water. Gorgeous birds.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 6:57 pm

      Thank you, Gary, for your comment. How wonderful that you have lots of white and blue herons in your county. They’re beautiful birds. I was pleasantly surprised that the red-tailed hawk stayed calm the whole time for me to take photos.


  7. Ally Bean July 30, 2021 / 11:28 am

    This must be the summer of the heron. Those birds seem to be thriving everywhere. Or maybe I’ve just become aware of them. Regardless, your photos are great.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 6:59 pm

      Thank you, Ally. I’m glad you liked my photos. I was pleasantly surprised that the red-tailed hawk and the great blue heron stayed calm the whole time for me to take photos, especially the hawk because I was quite close to it.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. msomerville2014 July 30, 2021 / 12:17 pm

    Great photos as always. I drove to Rochester, NY from North Central PA every weeks from September through May, excluding Christmas for four years of seminary. I always noticed the hawks, but at my 65 mph, could not stop. I love the heron too. We don’t fish together as much as we used to but would often notice heron on the side of the lake or flying over top. I always think there is something prehistoric looking about them. Coffee Share 30, where has the time gone? Best, Michele

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 7:04 pm

      Michele, When the great blue herons fly, they look like flying dinosaurs with their wide wing span. I was pleasantly surprised that the red-tailed hawk and the great blue heron stayed calm for me to take their photos. Hard to believe but yes, we’re at Coffee Share #30 and August is around the corner. Have a great weekend!


      • msomerville2014 July 30, 2021 / 10:42 pm

        Thanks Natalie, I am glad to know that I am not crazy for thinking that. I need to get back to that lake soon, it has been years. Michele


        • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 11:09 pm

          If the lake is not far from your place, perhaps make a day outing in late summer or fall to see autumn foliage.

          Liked by 1 person

          • msomerville2014 August 1, 2021 / 6:23 pm

            That is a great suggestion. There are actually several lakes near us as well as State Parks. My favorite is only a 45 minute drive, so we will plan on it.


            • Natalie August 1, 2021 / 7:11 pm

              Sounds like an excellent plan.


    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 7:06 pm

      I was pleased to see the hawk and heron up close and they both stayed calm.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Marsha July 30, 2021 / 12:58 pm

    Natalie thanks for joining in. Those floating structures may be the most out of the box art I’ve ever seen. What an amazing imagination and sense of consciousness and community concern. They are lovely. Thanks for joining in this week, Natalia. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 7:11 pm

      Marsha, I’m glad you like Over Floe. I liked its originality and thought-provoking message. I stumbled upon it while kayaking. It was an outing full of nice surprises. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Marsha July 31, 2021 / 12:19 pm

        My pleasure. Is that display there permanently or will it travel?


        • Natalie July 31, 2021 / 12:26 pm

          It’s a temporary display until Fall this year. After the exhibit ends, the artwork (styrofoam) will be recycled and repurposed at a specialized facility.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Marsha July 31, 2021 / 12:31 pm

            How sad! Repurposed. It’s adorable! It should travel. 🙂


  10. Cee Neuner July 30, 2021 / 1:36 pm

    Oh what a fun post to look through. Those floating structures are so cool 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 7:12 pm

      Thank you, Cee, for your comment. I’m glad you like Over Floe art structures. I discovered them at the end of my kayaking trip. Have a great weekend!


  11. Kirstin July 30, 2021 / 1:37 pm

    Oh, I love all those photos, that over floe is really cool. It looks like you have some fun places to enjoy nature in the city.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 7:15 pm

      Thank you, Kirstin, for your comment. I feel grateful to have easy access to nature and urban life. Have a great weekend!


    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 7:17 pm

      Thank you, Sue, for your compliment. I’m glad you liked my photos. I was pleasantly surprised that the hawk and heron stayed calm and didn’t fly away when I approached them. Have a great weekend!


  12. rawsonjl July 30, 2021 / 4:18 pm

    Those shots of the heron are just perfect!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 7:19 pm

      Thank you. I think that heron was busy eyeing the fish 🙂


    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 7:23 pm

      I was pleasantly surprised that the hawk was so calm. I left before it did. Glad to have my blog readers consider Toronto as a place to visit.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 7:23 pm

      Thank you, Shari, for your comment. i greatly appreciate it.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. smkelly8 July 30, 2021 / 4:37 pm

    I love all the birds you’ve seen and the Over Floe installation. The Toronto Tourist Board needs to hire you.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 7:26 pm

      Thank you, Susan, for your comment. I’m glad you like Toronto through my lens.


    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 7:27 pm

      The hawk was in his best suit and on his best behaviour without my coaching. I was impressed 🙂


  14. Debbie July 30, 2021 / 8:02 pm

    You find the most amazing sites to share with us Natalie, I just love reading your posts to see what you’ve been up to! That hawk is amazing and what a great capture, you were so lucky to get so close to it.
    I’m back joining in today and I’ve shared my final #treesquare post

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 8:12 pm

      Hi Debbie, I was pleasantly surprised that the hawk stayed calm when I was so close to it. It was a beautiful hawk. Thank you for joining in. Have a great weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Natalie July 31, 2021 / 8:50 am

      Thank you, Teresa, for your comment. For unknown reasons, your comments went into my Spam folder. The floating art is neat and thought-provoking, isn’t it?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Teresa July 31, 2021 / 9:53 am

        It does happen…at least you found it!


  15. midlifestylist July 30, 2021 / 9:11 pm

    Hi Natalie, what an interesting art formation! Very thought provoking as well. You have a lovely area to paddle your canoe. I’ve always felt an affinity with water so it resonates with me. Have a lovely weekend, regards Christina

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 9:59 pm

      Hi Christina, I’m glad you like Over Floe. I count my blessings to have easy access to Lake Ontario. I think as humans, we’re all drawn to bodies of water. Have a great weekend!


  16. Teresa July 30, 2021 / 9:17 pm

    Great photos, and I love the floating Public art, Natalie!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Natalie July 31, 2021 / 8:52 am

      Thank you, Teresa, for being patient and leaving me a comment even though WordPress sent it to my spam folder. I’m glad you liked my photos and the floating art exhibit. Have a great weekend!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Teresa July 31, 2021 / 9:54 am

        I don’t comment often maybe that’s why that happened. Have a good weekend too, Natalie!


  17. Liesbet @ Roaming About July 30, 2021 / 9:24 pm

    You sure had a fun and busy week, Natalie! And, compared to Massachusetts, not too much rain. Such a treat to see multiple special birds up close. That shot of the hawk is a winner! While I’m all about nature and wildlife, I have to say that the art installation on the water, Over Floe, is incredible, especially on a calm day when the reflections create a desired and pleasing effect. I really enjoyed that as well.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 10:05 pm

      Hi Liesbet, My activities are all fun, except my strength training is harder than the rest and that’s how it should be 🙂 I set out to go kayaking and had these nice surprises, one after another, I came home grinning. The Over Floe art exhibit is creative and thought-provoking. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Retirement Reflections July 30, 2021 / 10:20 pm

    You are so fortunate to live in such an amazing city with so much to offer. I love how you get out and explore new things.
    Hawks, cormorants, ducks, muted swans and a Great Blue Heron — how wonderful to see them all on one excursion. And the floating art work was icing on the cake.
    Thank you so much for sharing this.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 10:30 pm

      Hi Donna, I feel grateful to live in Toronto and have easy access to nature and urban amenities. I set out to go kayaking and had several nice surprises, I came home grinning. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you’re enjoying the summer in BC. Have a great long weekend!


  19. Ju-Lyn July 30, 2021 / 10:59 pm

    My goodness! That is coming really close to birds in the wild!!! Amazing spotting & captures! So accommodating of them to pose for you!

    I love that you view art even as you kayak! That just tickles me so much! All this art in situ is just too fabulous!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 30, 2021 / 11:13 pm

      It was my “bird” day and the birds were well behaved. I set out for a simple kayaking excursion and had several nice surprises. I came home grinning. The things I see when I go outside 🙂


  20. BeckyB July 31, 2021 / 1:20 am

    oh my that Hawk – what an extraordinary moment. And your paddle was so beautiful and peaceful, loving the art too

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 31, 2021 / 9:01 am

      Thank you, Becky, for your comment and for hosting July Tree Squares. It was a fun day out. I look forward to your October Square photo challenge.

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Liz Bennefeld July 31, 2021 / 2:06 am

    The kayaking is appealing, getting to see the wildlife close up, changes over the course of the seasons. On our marriage trip, my husband and I spent most of an afternoon in the wildlife park near Brainerd, Minn. Nice to get out into nature. So much life around us that we often don’t take note of. Thanks so much for the photographs, for narrating your visit there.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 31, 2021 / 9:12 am

      Thank you, Liz, for your comment. The wildlife park near Brainerd sounds like a good place to visit and be close to nature. I enjoy kayaking to see aquatic and bird life on or near the water. I aim to go paddling weekly in the summer before autumn arrives.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Jennifer Jones July 31, 2021 / 5:37 am

    What a wonderful day in nature Natalie. I used to kayak with my children. Your post made me want to get back to it. The hawk is beautiful and amazing that you got so close. We had hawks near us but only ever see them high in the sky. I loved reading your post.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 31, 2021 / 9:17 am

      Jennifer, I was pleasantly surprised that the hawk stayed calm the whole time I watched it and took photos. If you’re close to a place to kayak, why not get back to it in spring or summer. I think you’ll enjoy it again.


  23. trentpmcd July 31, 2021 / 8:21 am

    Sounds like a great day out! I rarely get that close to big hawks! I’m sure it was nice to talk to Dr, Redbird. Floating sculpture and floating birds… Herons. Sounds great!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 31, 2021 / 9:23 am

      I lucked out with that red-tailed hawk and the great blue heron. Usually they fly high or stay at a distance and fly away when I approach. Both birds stayed calm the whole time I watched them and took photos. Meeting and chatting with Dr. Redbird was a nice surprise, too. It was a grand day out.


      • trentpmcd July 31, 2021 / 4:26 pm

        That is cool about the birds – blue herons usually don’t let me get close, but on occasion… A couple of times I have gotten pretty close to a hawk, but I think they are newly fledged.
        Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  24. Astrid July 31, 2021 / 2:55 pm

    Oooh, hawks are such majestic birds! The heron sounds beautiful too. I love your evocative descriptions of what you saw.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 31, 2021 / 4:21 pm

      Thank you, Astrid, for your comment. I’m glad you liked my descriptions of what I saw. I was pleasantly surprised that the red-tailed hawk and the great blue heron stayed calm for me to take photos.


  25. wideeyedwanderingspoonie July 31, 2021 / 4:24 pm

    What a divine outing that was. I adore catching local wildlife being, well, wild. The Red Tailed Hawk in particular is amazing. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 31, 2021 / 4:50 pm

      It was a fantastic outing. The red-tailed hawk was perfect and so beautiful up close.


  26. Jo July 31, 2021 / 6:35 pm

    Those herons are so graceful and I love that floating art… Have a great weekend.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 31, 2021 / 7:29 pm

      The herons look majestic standing or flying. I’m glad you liked the floating Over Floe. Have a great weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  27. Sanch @ Sanch Writes July 31, 2021 / 7:02 pm

    Oh wow! How gorgeous is that hawk! And how fortunate to be able to capture that. Love that you got to chat with Dr Redbird; I do remember the canoe post. And that floating artwork is amazing too. Thanks again for a lovely tour. Hope you have a great week ahead, Natalie!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 31, 2021 / 7:33 pm

      It was a grand day out. I was lucky to see the hawk, the heron and Dr. Redbird. I’m glad you liked Over Floe. Have a great week ahead, Sanch!


  28. csuhpat1 July 31, 2021 / 8:34 pm

    Such interesting art formation. I like it. I like all the wildlife you have seen. So very cool.

    Thanks for hosting this great party. Don’t know if I will see you next week as i will be traveling. Hope you have a wonderful week.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie July 31, 2021 / 9:30 pm

      Patrick, I’m glad you liked the art and wildlife in my post. Have a great trip! Look forward to have you joining Weekend Coffee Share again when you return.


  29. Antoinette Truglio Martin July 31, 2021 / 10:15 pm

    Magnificat birds! Once again you brought me on a lovely tour. Thanks a bunch.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie August 1, 2021 / 1:04 pm

      Thank you, Antoinette, for your comment. I’m glad you enjoyed my post.


  30. Julie August 1, 2021 / 1:42 am

    Love the floating sculptures though my head thought of a grim message regarding climate change!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie August 1, 2021 / 1:06 pm

      Thank you, Julie, for your comment. Sometimes it’s necessary to hear a grim message to take actions for positive changes.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Julie August 2, 2021 / 1:47 am

        I definitely agree. It should inspire people to just go and do something. Unfortunately there are some people out there who would just call it “woke” art and refuse to look at the problem.


  31. Lydia C. Lee August 1, 2021 / 3:16 am

    That Over Floe is fantastic! And so timely given what happened in Greenland yesterday – that’s so alarming. What on earth have we done??!!
    Have a lovely weekend and thanks for hosting

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie August 1, 2021 / 1:11 pm

      I’m glad you liked Over Floe and its message. I hope we all take individual actions to stop the damage to our environment.


  32. Terri Webster Schrandt August 1, 2021 / 10:30 am

    A wonderful place to paddle, Natalie! Not only for the cool art of the Over Floe, but the beautiful heron! Great shots of him in action. When you mentioned dragonflies, I thought one might have landed within camera distance for the SS challenge, LOL! Have a great week!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie August 1, 2021 / 1:17 pm

      Hi Terri, Not sure why I thought there was no SS this week. I’m glad you liked the Over Floe art and the heron. I was happy to see both up close. have a wonderful week!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Natalie August 1, 2021 / 7:09 pm

      Welcome Quentin to my blog and thank you for your comment. I think you’re my blog’s first visitor from Haiti. I wonder how you found my blog. I love kayaking and plan to go again later this week.


      • Quentin Russell August 1, 2021 / 7:19 pm

        Hey Natalie. 😀😀 Not too surprised. We have a clinic here in Haiti and I found you in the WordPress read recommendations

        I went kayaking several times a week before coming down here.


        • Natalie August 1, 2021 / 7:27 pm

          Thanks WordPress for introducing you to my blog 🙂 Did you kayak in calm waters or in open sea? I’ll visit your blog shortly. I host the weekly Weekend Coffee Share blog link-up. You’re welcome to join in any and every week. It starts on Friday at 8 AM and ends on Sunday at midnight Toronto time.


          • Quentin Russell August 1, 2021 / 8:00 pm

            Nice. I’ll have to keep it in mind.

            I went on lakes and slow rivers. There wasn’t much or any white water in my area.


            • Natalie August 1, 2021 / 8:22 pm

              Kayaking in calm lakes or slow rivers is pleasant and enjoyable.

              Liked by 1 person

  33. sixlittlehearts August 1, 2021 / 9:35 pm

    Argh! Lost my comment! Love the water scenes with the bird – makes me feel happy. Looks like a stunning place. I can’t wait for winter to finish so that I can see the sun shining over the water again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Natalie August 2, 2021 / 10:26 am

      Thank you for your patience to retype your comment. Water and sunshine are good for our soul, mind and body. Spring is coming for you. Have a great week!


  34. Tessa August 1, 2021 / 10:13 pm

    What lovely pictures. I especially love water ones.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Natalie August 2, 2021 / 10:19 am

      Thank you, Tessa, for your comment. The water was calm and clear that day.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Tessa August 3, 2021 / 8:19 pm

        I love water as long as I don’t have to be in it. I am terrified of drowning and having my head under it.


  35. Min Write of the Middle August 1, 2021 / 10:58 pm

    Love the birds Natalie – especially the hawk! And I adore that floating art. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Natalie August 2, 2021 / 10:20 am

      Hi Min, I lucked out to see that beautiful red-tailed hawk so close. Glad you liked the floating art. Have a great week!


  36. Diana August 2, 2021 / 12:34 am

    Oh my gosh, what a BEAUTIFUL photo of the red tail hawk!! You were very close and the photo is fantastic. Thank you for the coffee this weekend. I loved all your photos, especially the blue heron too! ❤️ I hope you have a wonderful week ahead! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Natalie August 2, 2021 / 10:22 am

      Diana, I was lucky to see that gorgeous red-tailed hawk so close and it didn’t fly away. Same with the great blue heron. I came home grinning. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great week!

      Liked by 1 person

  37. Green Global Trek August 2, 2021 / 9:19 am

    Beautiful birds! The red tailed hawk and blue heron are magnificent. So majestic. Great shots of them! What a treat.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Natalie August 2, 2021 / 10:24 am

      Hi Peta, I lucked out that day to see two beautiful birds up close and they didn’t fly away. I came home grinning. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great week!


  38. Photos by Jez August 2, 2021 / 10:26 am

    That red-tailed hawk is impressive, as well as all the other wildlife you were able to encounter so closely 👏 The Over Floe exhibit is fantastic & probably not many get to see it from the watery perspective 😃

    Liked by 1 person

    • Natalie August 2, 2021 / 10:30 am

      Thank you, Jez, for your comment. I totally lucked out that day to see the hawk and the heron up close and they didn’t fly away. The floating art Over Floe was a very nice discovery while I was paddling around. I’d say it looked better from the water.

      Liked by 1 person

  39. Forestwood August 2, 2021 / 6:37 pm

    What a fun paddle! I love to hear that the water is clear and that the birdlife came out to greet you! That floating art installation is really something different! So creative.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Natalie August 2, 2021 / 6:54 pm

      I notice that the water has been clear and wildlife has been more visible during this pandemic. I hope to go kayaking a few more times before summer ends here.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Forestwood August 2, 2021 / 7:22 pm

        This seems to be the pattern in a few places, Natalie. The earth have relished in this circuit breaker, even if we have not!


  40. Sammie @ The Annoyed Thyroid August 2, 2021 / 9:52 pm

    Fun fact: I once fell out of a kayak on the Jordan River in Israel and I nearly drowned so virtual kayaking is now much more my style! Thanks for the ride – it was like a who’s who of the bird world. Loving vicariously living through your summer adventures 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Natalie August 3, 2021 / 8:18 am

      Oh no, I”m sorry you had a nearly drowned experience with kayaking and in a foreign country. You must be so scared. Was it your first time trying the sport? I totally lucked out seeing the hawk and the heron on the same day. They’re both big birds in their class. I came home grinning 🙂


  41. bushboy August 3, 2021 / 8:00 am

    Love this post Natalie. So lucky get close to the Red-Tailed Hawk 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Natalie August 3, 2021 / 8:22 am

      Thank you, Brian, for your visit and comment. I totally lucked out with that red-tailed hawk. He stayed calm and posed for my photos the whole time 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  42. jazzguitarmichael August 4, 2021 / 3:00 am

    Wonderful post! Many great pics, but the hawk is my fave. Well done.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie August 4, 2021 / 7:47 am

      Thank you for your visit and comment. That magnificent hawk stayed calm while I took photos.

      Liked by 1 person

  43. Erica/Erika August 4, 2021 / 8:54 pm

    Fantastic and nice surprises says a great deal, Natalie. Great captures! What a fun houseboat. I agree, a majestic sight to see the Blue Heron. The floating art creation is surreal. Thank you for sharing your ‘blast!’

    Liked by 2 people

    • Natalie August 4, 2021 / 9:34 pm

      Hi Erica/ Erika, It was a grand day out with nice surprises. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you’re enjoying summer and having a blast, too.

      Liked by 2 people

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